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Island Society #InstaTribe
WORKBOOK + Resources
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Define your niche, goals and target audience (14:44)
Define your brand (3:02)
HOW: Content
What to post, and how to curate a beautiful feed (20:51)
HOW: Hashtags
What do hashtags DO, and how should I use them? (17:21)
HOW: Growth
Why is it so damn HARD to grow my following? What can I do? (30:52)
HOW: Stories
Why should I bother, and what would I even post about? (6:07)
The Literal How-To's: Make Your Stories Pop! (6:31)
HOW: Planning
Why should I plan my content and how should I do it? (5:04)
ACTIVITY: Content Planning Sprints (9:16)
How: Monetisation
How to Earn an Income with Instagram - from Beginners to making it Big (17:13)
How: Tracking Results
Insights and What Matters to Brands (17:18)
Why is it so damn HARD to grow my following? What can I do?
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